Music Ministry

People serve the assembly by leading them in music and responses primarily in the celebration of the Eucharist. If you believe you have a talent to help us make the Mass a more joyous and beautiful experience through music or presentations for liturgical celebration, we’d love to hear from you.

Musicians and Church Choir

We are currently looking for new members for this group. We would love to have your help, participation and input into the future direction of this endeavor.

If you and your child are interested in helping us out, with a goal of brightening up the Eucharistic celebration with fresh young voices. Please contact the Parish Office and we will be happy to welcome you and involve you in the upcoming events in our parish

Here in the parish the duties of providing music for the different masses are normally rostered among musicians who offer their services.

If you are interested in becoming involved with the choir, or playing an instrument at Mass. Please contact the church office. Contact details can be found in our contacts page.